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A waypoint in the tree of positions. See CTotalOrder for a description of the tree.

Each waypoint is identified by its pair (senderID, counter).


  • Waypoint



  • new Waypoint(senderID: string, counter: number, parentWaypoint: null | Waypoint, parentValueIndex: number, isRight: boolean): Waypoint
  • Parameters

    • senderID: string
    • counter: number
    • parentWaypoint: null | Waypoint
    • parentValueIndex: number
    • isRight: boolean

    Returns Waypoint


children: Waypoint[]

This waypoint's child waypoints in sort order: left children by valueIndex, then right children by reverse valueIndex, with ties broken by senderID.

Only CTotalOrder may mutate this array.

counter: number

A counter for waypoints sent by senderID. Starts at 0 and increases contiguously.

isRight: boolean

This waypoint's side: a right (true) or left (false) child of the parent position.

parentValueIndex: number

The valueIndex for this waypoint's parent position.

Unspecified for the root waypoint.

parentWaypoint: null | Waypoint

The waypoint for this waypoint's parent position, or null if this is the root waypoint.

senderID: string

The waypoint sender's replicaID, or "" for the root waypoint.

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